What’s been going on with ISOBook lately? (Update 9/5)

What’s been going on with ISOBook lately?

We haven’t done much with ISOBook lately. Have you noticed?

Well if you have, you are right! We have been busy at work trying to fix issues and bugs to make ISOBook the best it can be for you.

We’ve also been changing some things around with our network, which is why ISOBook may have gone down a few times recently.

Starting today, updating and changing ISOBook’s design, features, and of course, ISOs and other content will be our first task. Get ready for more exciting stuff on ISOBook!

If you have any requests, problems, issues, or questions, be sure to fill out our survey listed on the site or contact us of course, at the following email address:


Thank you for your patience!

P.S. – you can check out the newest blog post about what’s new, right after this!

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