UPDATE 7/17 10:30PM EST:
The upgrade went way smoother than expected and the new download server is online! Enjoy!
As you may have noticed, our download server has always been rather slow in performance – from lagging download starts, to taking forever to finish, to intermittent seemingly unexplainable outages.
We are upgrading our download server, which is very old – to a new one, which will have download speeds faster than lots of ISO download sites!
Unfortunately, this does mean we need to take the download server offline for a bit. Our current ETA is tomorrow (7/18/2020 – Saturday) at 2:00PM.
If you need a specific ISO urgently for some reason and we are the only place that has it, please contact us with this specific email link and we will send you a different link ASAP.
If an ETA is changed or removed, you can see on the left panel under Server Status on the maintenance page which will show up if you try to download ISOs from our site.
The main ISOBook site is still up, so you can still download ISOs which link from other sites, or simply browse our site.
Thank you for your understanding!
Stay safe and healthy!